The Sonnenhalde I settlement in Leimbach is being densified by means of a new replacement building. Within the framework of a cooperative test planning, scope and framework conditions were explored as a basis for a high-quality project. Built in the 1930s, the Sonnenhalde I estate shows the ideal-typical image of a garden city colony of the early 20th century. Appropriate caution is required when dealing with the basic structure. Where it makes sense, the project leans on the existing building, where necessary, it breaks with tradition.
By further developing the basic orientation parallel to the slope in combination with the opening of the settlement to the open space at the Hüslibachtobel and higher accents at the Hüslibachterrasse as well as a neighborhood square to the Leimbachstrasse, the new settlement embeds itself naturally and familiarly into the surroundings. Existing buildings are included in the design as contemporary witnesses. The experience of the flowing slope is ensured by sloping footpath connections. The open spaces Quartierplatz, Nachbarschaftstreff and Hüslibachterrassen are reserved for the community; accordingly, no private, residential open spaces are located at these ground-floor locations. The different building types promote a diverse range of housing and provide a good basis for mixing the future neighborhood.