The Wallisellen Southeast area is a development focus of the municipality. The area consists of the quarters Hof, Schwanen, Geeren, Glatt Ost and Im Langacker. A renewal process will occur in these areas in the short to medium term. This offers the opportunity to upgrade the currently peripherally perceived district as part of the urban Wallisellen to a residential and workplace area, as well as to better connect it to the center thanks to a cantonally important bicycle route and to upgrade the open space offer.
The urban design concept transforms the current streets into urban spaces. For the Neue Winterthurerstrasse, a target image is to be created with the boulevard and the parkway. The bicycle traffic circle at the Hofkreuzung is questioned and a future-oriented traffic infrastructure is proposed that prioritizes pedestrian and bicycle traffic. The proposed urban fabric is based in large part on the existing parcel and building structures.